At Etherley Lane we don’t just deliver the National Curriculum – our teachers ensure that we have a carefully planned overview for each curriculum subject which arches across the whole school – ensuring that what we teach and how we teach it suits the needs of our learners and shows progression and helps the children to remember and make sense of their learning. At Etherley Lane, we teach each subject in its own right – we don’t try to make links between subjects unless the links are purposeful to our learning.
We plan each of our subjects individually, ensuring the what we teach has a balance to enable children to develop skills and knowledge. Where possible, we include visits and new experiences for our children to help them to have a firm base for their learning and to help them remember important information in the future.
At present our primary school curriculum is divided into three stages:
- Early Years Foundation Stage- for children of ages below five years
- Key Stage 1 – for children from five to seven years
- Key Stage 2 – for children from seven to eleven years
If you would like to find out further information about our school curriculum please make an appointment to speak to a member of our leadership team.
Curriculum Overviews by Subject
You can view or download our curriculum overviews for each subject below. Each overview includes what each year group will cover from the 2014 National Curriculum in that particular subject, skills the children will learn, new vocabulary introduced in each year group and any educational visits the children will have, which will enrich their learning within the subject. For further information about a particular subject, please contact the school office. Mrs. Bain or Miss Stubbings will be able to assist in arranging to speak to the relevant subject leader.
- English- Composition
- English- Grammar and Punctuation
- English- Spelling
- English- Handwriting
- Maths
- Science Overview
- Computing Overview
- Art and Design Overview
- Design and Technology Overview
- History Overview
- Geography Overview
- Music Overview
- School Music Development Plan Summary
- PE Overview
- RE
- Information about withdrawal from RE
Curriculum Overviews by Year Group
You can view or download our curriculum maps below for each class across the school. Each curriculum map includes what each class will cover from the 2014 National Curriculum in each subject. Curriculum Maps are divided up into Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms. For more information about what your child is learning this year in their class, please read the termly newsletter, which can be viewed and downloaded from the Our Classes section of our website. Alternatively, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
- EYFS Long Term Planning 2023-2024
- Year 1 Curriculum Map
- Year 2 Curriculum Map
- Year 3 Curriculum Map
- Year 4 Curriculum Map
- Year 5 Curriculum Map
- Year 6 Curriculum Map
EYFS: Statutory Baseline Assessments are carried out within the first 6 weeks of children starting in Reception to assess each child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills. For more information about the Statutory Baseline Assessment, please click here. Teacher assessment is used to monitor progress of each child at the end of each term against expected termly endpoints in all seven areas of learning and development from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. At Etherley Lane, we use the Development Matters document to support with this. At the end of the year, the statutory Foundation Stage Profile is completed for each child- this is where their level of development is assessed against the 17 early learning goals. Before the end of every half term, we also carry out phonic assessments with the children to monitor the progress and plan next steps for the children in Reading.
Year 1 Reading: In June, children in Year 1 will complete the statutory Phonics Screening Check. The phonics screening check is a check of each child’s phonics knowledge and supports our school in assessing if children are making the progress expected in the national curriculum in Reading. To find our more about the Phonics Screening Check, please click here. Before the end of every half term, we also carry out phonic assessments with the children to monitor the progress and plan next steps for the children in Reading. The children in Year 1 are also introduced to the fluency check at the end of the Summer term. This is so we can make sure that the children can read texts confidently so they can make greater sense of what they are reading.
Years 2-6 Reading: At the beginning of each academic year, within the first week of term, the children in Years 2-6 complete a STAR reading test, which determines which book level they will start from. All children complete these assessments again before the end of each half term to ensure that they move on quickly and are identified quickly if they are at risk of falling behind. The children will also complete a fluency check at the end of each term. This is so teachers can make sure that the children can read texts confidently so they can make greater sense of what they are reading. To support the children in preparing for their end of KS2 assessments, children from Years 3-6 will complete a reading comprehension assessment at the end of each term. This is to identify any areas of comprehension that require more focus in whole class teaching sessions.
Maths: At the end of each term, children in Years 1-6 complete a progress check for Arithmetic and Reasoning. This is to support our school in assessing if children are making the progress expected in the national curriculum in Maths and to address gaps in knowledge and understanding.
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check: All children in Year 4 will complete the statutory Multiplication Tables Check. The purpose of the check is to determine whether each child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help our school to identify if any children may need additional support. To find out more about the Multiplication Tables Check, please click here.
KS2 Statutory Assessments: In May, all of the children in Year 6 will complete the KS2 Statutory Assessments in the following subjects:
- English grammar, punctuation and spelling
- English Reading
- Mathematics
Some people refer to these tests as ‘SATs’.
The tests help measure the attainment of pupils in relation to the standards set out in the national curriculum, and help teachers and parents identify where pupils may need additional support in a certain subject area. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance, and school-level results data is used to produce national and regional performance statistics. To find our more abot the KS2 Statutory Assessments, please click here.
Foundation Subjects: At the end of each topic or unit of work in each foundation subject, children will complete a ‘knowledge catcher’ assessment. This will then support teachers in assessing if each child has gained the expected substantive and disciplinary knowledge within that topic or unit of work and is therefore making the progress expected in the national curriculum in each subject. Teachers then record the names of the children not making the expected progress on each subject’s assessment tracker to order to plan next steps. Subject leads monitor this assessment information on a termly basis to inform next steps for each subject as a whole. To see an example of the assessment tracker, please click here.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Etherley Lane Primary School we aim to provide a rich, varied and differentiated curriculum that reflects the needs and interests of all pupils. We encourage parents/carers to work in partnership with us to ensure that all children reach their full potential during their time with us. For more information, please visit the SEND section of our website. If you have any questions about SEND provision please contact the SENCo, Mrs. Coxon, or speak to your child’s class teacher.
Teaching and resources are adapted to meet the needs of all pupils. A wide range of intervention programmes can be utilised by staff to support pupils with SEND to ensure that they make progress. School staff liaise with outside agencies and continue to monitor and evaluated the impact of interventions and support.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.
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