Welcome to Year 2
The staff in Year 2 this year are Mr. Soulsby, Mrs. Davies and Miss Summerson (am).
Timetable and Class Information
In Year 2, our PE day is Tuesday.
In Year 2, we will continue to develop your child’s reading skills. We use Accelerated Reader in school with children in Year 2 to Year 6 to ensure our children make more rapid progress in their reading. They will be heard reading individually during the week and your child’s reading book will be changed regularly. To support your child with reading at home, we ask that you spend at least 10 minutes per day listening to them read. We value your input and the comments that you provide about your child’s reading. We know that the best way to support your child’s reading is by working together! It would be great if you could also write a little comment in their reading record so that we know your child has read at home.
Read Write Inc Resources
Some children in Year 2 will still need to access Read Write Inc activities as part of their curriculum or as an intervention, particularly in the Autumn term. Following on from our reading meeting, please click on each link to access the Read Write Inc videos and guides to help support your children with their reading at home. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
How to say the Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3 sounds
EL Parents’ Guide to Set 2 Sounds
EL Parents’ Guide to Set 3 Sounds