Welcome to Year 1
The teachers in Year 1 this year are Miss Jones and Miss Coates, and out teaching assistants are Mrs Thornton, Mrs Aldred and Mrs Yates.
Hello and welcome to Year 1,
It has been fabulous to welcome all the children into Year 1 in September. They have all enjoyed settling in and we are looking forward to watching them grow whilst developing their learning this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.
Miss Jones and Miss Coates x
In Year 1 we will continue to develop your child’s reading skills. Your child will have a daily Read, Write Inc lesson based in small, adult led groups where they will take part in various activities to to further develop their reading skills. They will be heard reading individually during the week and your child’s reading book will be changed regularly. Please support us in developing your child’s reading skills by listening to them read every night and modelling reading to them to develop their reading for pleasure. Could we please ask that you write a little comment in their reading record so that we know your child has read at home.
Read Write Inc Videos
Following on from the reading meeting, please find the Read Write Inc videos for parents to help support your children with their reading. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Why read to your child?
Understanding Phonics
What is Read Write Inc?
How to say the sounds
What is sound blending?
Phonics Screening
Reading for Pleasure
The document below includes weblinks and qr codes which will take you to videos of popular stories being read out loud. You can listen to these as part of your home learning or enjoy them as bedtime stories!
Your child’s PE day is every Thursday. Please ensure your child is wearing a white or yellow t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms or leggings on this day. School jumpers should still be worn.
Our Curriculum
Please visit the curriculum section of our website to view our Key Stage 1 Curriculum and term plans for this school year.
We have been learning about plants in Science.
We have been planting seeds and caring for them. Watch this space to see how they grow!
Our seeds are starting to grow.
Class 4 Rock Stars