Hi Etherley Lane!
If you need any information or support from our school nurse, Paula Waddell, she will be trialling the Attend Anywhere virtual School Nurse Clinic on Monday 22nd June 2020 from 9am -3pm and will continue to do so each Monday.
Parents and children can access using the link provided on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone.
After an initial appointment, Paula can offer further Attend Anywhere appointments on a Monday or Whats App appointments at different times during the week to suit.
For further information about how to access this, please click on the following link: https://etherleylane-pri.durham.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/virtual-drop-int.pdf
In addition to this, the Emotional Resilience Nurse will be running virtual drop in sessions every Tuesday. Please see the poster below for more information.
Take care and stay safe.๐