At Etherley Lane Primary School we understand the importance of transition for all pupils, particularly those with additional needs.
How we support children/young people with SEND starting at our school
- At Etherley Lane Nursery we offer flexible Nursery provision with a high level of support for all of our pupils. We offer two-year-old provision both privately and for those parents in receipt of a ‘golden ticket’ Children can enter Nursery from the term after their third birthday and receive either 15 or 30 hours depending on eligibility. We are very proud of our transition between both our two-year-old provision and Nursery and Nursery into Reception class in school where all children are supported on an individual level.
- All new Reception children are admitted annually into school in September. Transition arrangements begin in July each year with children having the opportunity to spend time in their new classroom with peers and staff. Staff will focus transition work on settling children into their new environment and giving children the opportunity to get to know their class group in advance of the start of the academic year.
- We offer bespoke, enhanced transition for children with SEND. Depending on a child’s need, they may be invited to transition sessions when the classroom is empty in order to get used to their new classroom in a calm, quiet environment.
- Reception staff and our EYFS lead will liaise with Nursery staff to understand the needs of each child; this includes children who have come from other settings. Our EYFS Lead and our SENCo will communicate with SENCos from other settings to ensure that each child’s transition into Reception centres on the child’s needs.
- LA transition forms are completed for all children with additional need which informs the receiving school of a child’s needs and appropriate strategies to support them.
- If you require more information specific to EYFS transition, then please contact our EYFS lead, Mrs. Jeavons, or our SENCo, Mrs. Coxon.
How we support children/young people with SEND moving between classes in our school
- We support children to move positively between classes. We do this with set routines and clear expectations so all children understand what is expected of them in school.
- We can provide children with SEND or social difficulties 1:1 support during transition periods where needed.
- Children spend time with their new teachers and classes over two sessions before the end of the academic year. These sessions are carefully planned to include activities that will support relationship building and making the children feel supported.
- Mrs. Aldred, our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, will also complete additional transition activities with children with SEND who require this additional support.
- For children who receive funding, we carefully consider and plan for their transition from one year group to the next and place them with adults with the necessary experience, skills and training in order to best support them.
How we support children/young people with SEND leaving our school
- Admissions to secondary schools are managed centrally by Durham County Council. A child transfers to secondary school in September following his/her 11th birthday.
- There are regular meetings between headteachers and teachers to discuss transition arrangements for our children. Children are also given the opportunity to spend time and participate in exciting projects run by our local secondary schools throughout the year.
- Our SENCo will liaise in person with the SENCo of all receiving secondary schools during the transition period. Within these meetings, the child’s bespoke needs will be discussed: each child’s difficulties will be shared as well as provision and strategies that have been successful when working with the child. The SENCo will ensure the receiving school have everything they need to support the child well.
- LA transition forms are completed for all children with additional need which informs the receiving school of a child’s needs and appropriate strategies to support them.
- Visit the Durham County Council website for information regarding the school admission process and primary school admissions. To appeal against an admission decision visit: School admissions-appeals.
- If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.